
Monday, June 21, 2010

The Death Penalty in Singapore: Case Files

  • In 2005, Took Leng How, a Malaysian worker at the Pukit Panjang Wholesale Centre came under investigation when 8 year old Huang Na went missing. Took fled Singapore to Malaysia while under police custody. Under the advice of his father, who told him that Singapore laws will protect him if he did not murder Huang Na, Took returned to Singapore to give evidence on how he accidentally strangled Huang Na during a game of hide and seek. Despite no conclusive evidence that Took intentionally murdered Huang Na, he was sentenced to mandatory death. Days before his execution, Took was filled with rage and he told his family that he wanted wear a red suit during the execution, ostensibly under Chinese culture as a way to seek revenge, as he did not believe that he deserved to be hanged. His family pleaded with him to go in peace, and Took finally relented. (This is first hand account from Took Leng How's family) Took's case begs two questions to ponder about: Why would Took Leng How return to Singapore voluntarily to face near certain death sentence if he had really intentionally murdered Huang Na? Why would a person guilty of murder on the eve of his execution have so much hatred in him to seek revenge?
  • The trial judge, before passing the death sentence on Yong Vui Kong, summoned the defence counsel and public prosecutor to chamber and asked the prosecution if they would consider reducing the charge given the relatively young age of the drug offender, who was not even 19 at the age of the offence. The prosecution declined and the death sentence was handed to Vui Kong.
  • In 2002, Julia Suzanne Bohl, a 20 year old German girl was found with 687g of marijuana in her home in Singapore, 187g higher than the limit which carries the mandatory death sentence. Germany promptly intervened, and because of the politically sensitive nature of the case the charge was reduced to one of trafficking and she was sentenced to 5 years in prison. Eventually, Julia served only 2 years of her prison sentence and she was sent back to Germany. Does the State regard an Australian, Nigerian and Malaysian life as less important than that of a German's?
  • The Central Narcotics Bureau routinely uses undercover detective to pose as buyers for drugs, such as in the case of Rozman bin Jusoh. During the trial it became evident that Rozman was intellectually handicapped, taking more than five minutes to answer a simple question like the number of siblings he had. His interpreter and psychologist both emphasized that Rozman was not simply faking it. The trial judge also pointed out that “It was…clear from the evidence that the CNB agent and the undercover CNB officer were more than mere agents, and had, in fact, undertaken a substantially active role in persuading [Rozman] to sell them drugs...". The judge then proceeded to sentence him a lesser sentence of 7 years imprisonment under a lesser charge for subnormal intellect. The prosecution appealed against the sentence, and the High Court eventually passed the death sentence on Rozman after considering that his subnormal intellect was not enough to negate his intention to traffick the drugs.
  • Singapore has the highest per capita rate of execution in the world according to Amnesty International, a human rights based group which keeps track of human rights violation around the world. Majority of the executed were for drug offences.


  1. How can Human Rights allow such things to take place. This is insanity. Singapore needs to grow up and understand that death penalty has no place in this world. It is so sad for the president of Singapore. Shame upon you. You are a terrorist first class. Unbelievable.

    1. if you say no one deserves to die, then how about the victims who get murdered? do they not deserve to live? but murderers do not think of that. they do not value human lives. and therefore, personally for the victim and their families, the murderer definitely should pay the price for their actions. also, this is the reason why SIngapore is so safe. As long as people don't do bad things and follow the law (which is not unreasonable), they will never be in danger of capital punishment and are able to live in a safe environment.

  2. We live life only once , to believers wt fate, and yet someone could easily made this kind of sentence, death sentence... of course we don't agree unless its for murderer or terrorists. But trafficking drugs... ?!

  3. why can't life time in prisonment? why must kill and kill is this the only solution?

  4. First they want you to abolish death sentence. When you do that, then they ask you to house the convicts in the air cond cell, equipped with satellite TV, Broadband connection and a 5 star dining hall with a top chefs. Soon after, crime rates are soaring as peoples are trying to be cought and jailed.

  5. Took Leng How did not kill the girl but fled to Malaysia? He was sent back to Singapore by the Malaysian police.
    If he did not murder the girl, why did he not call for help?
    A man who goes around strangling kids dont deserve to live.

  6. Eye for an eye once Moses said.And that is the only
    common sense solution to the serious crime,including
    dealing in drugs.The so called "wise" of this world,
    that's judiciary,politicians and of course politicians
    who prostitute themselves with them under the banner of democracy(without asking masses of people for what
    they do,as surely we don't have referrendums) upset
    the ancient God given to Moses wisdom to let in ever
    growing in the so called West sense of anarchy and
    chaos.What can contribute a homosexual "judge" bent
    on dispensing leniency to the brutal criminals or
    highly vocal tiny minority with twisted minds,who
    push to remove the old,proven measures and introduce
    their own satanic substitutes ( which please the so
    called "champions" of human rights ).And this mad-
    ness is well seen in Australia and England,where the
    crime rate is easily 10 or more times higher than in
    Singapore.We need in the West Middle Eastern type of
    Arab Spring to sweep away parasitic system dominated
    by the Satanic Trinity - Big Business,Judiciary in
    wigs and the Politicians and bring in elected by lot
    good ( with proven life long record ) people.And
    without a badly needed shake-up we will only plung
    deeper and deeper.

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